Everything You Need To Know About Tinnitus

Understanding tinnitus: causes, symptoms and impact

Tinnitus manifests itself as ringing or whistling in the ears with no external source. These phantom sounds vary in intensity and can affect one or both ears. Causes include age-related hearing loss, exposure to loud noises, infections, trauma or certain medications. The impact on daily life can range from minor annoyances to problems such as fatigue, stress, insomnia and anxiety. Understanding these aspects is essential to better manage tinnitus and improve quality of life.

Identify and assess your tinnitus sounds

To better understand your tinnitus, it helps to identify the sounds you hear. Is it a high-pitched whistle, a low-pitched buzz, an intermittent clicking sound? Our interactive video presents the 8 most common tinnitus sounds. By listening to them, you'll be able to identify those that correspond to your experience and thus facilitate discussion with a hearing health professional.
man talks to team

Consult a specialist

If you experience tinnitus, the first step is to see a doctor. A specialist will be able to identify a possible cause and refer you to a hearing care professional for further testing. Most cases of tinnitus do not have an immediately identifiable cause, but there are effective ways to reduce its impact on your daily life.

Phonak solutions for tinnitus relief and management

Phonak offers innovative solutions to reduce tinnitus and improve your quality of life. Around 90% of people with tinnitus also have some form of hearing loss. Our hearing aids combine amplification of surrounding sounds with advanced technologies to reduce the perception of tinnitus, bringing you comfort and peace of mind in your daily life.

Hearing amplification

If your tinnitus is associated with hearing loss, Phonak hearing aids can provide a double benefit. By amplifying impaired hearing frequencies, they improve your ability to hear surrounding sounds, which can reduce the perception of tinnitus. Many of our users have experienced a significant reduction in their symptoms simply by wearing our hearing aids every day.

Bluetooth streaming technology

Phonak hearing aids feature Bluetooth technology, allowing you to stream soothing music or nature sounds directly to your devices. This feature provides a discreet and effective way to mask tinnitus sounds, improving your comfort without disturbing those around you.

Masking the tinnitus

Our masking solution uses white, pink or other therapeutic sounds to distract you from the tinnitus. Built directly into our hearing aids, this feature allows for easy activation and personalized adjustment, providing a constant background sound that reduces the perception of tinnitus. Around 80% of our users report a noticeable improvement in their hearing comfort thanks to this technology, which can be used discreetly in any situation to improve your daily well-being.