The hearing test
The importance of a full hearing test
A hearing test is a diagnostic examination used to assess your overall hearing health. It identifies whether you are suffering from hearing loss, determines the part of your ear that is causing the symptoms and measures the degree of impairment you are experiencing. Carried out by a specialist audiologist, your appointment generally lasts between 45 and 60 minutes and includes the 5 steps described in this video.
Feel free to book an appointment for a free hearing test, without any obligation.
The 5 steps of the hearing test
1. Collection of hearing history
Your consultation begins with a detailed questionnaire about your hearing history, symptoms, family history and lifestyle. This information helps to identify the potential causes of your hearing problems. The audiologist will also explain the test procedure and the next steps.
2. Inspection of the ear canal
Using an otoscope, the audiologist visually examines your ear canal and eardrum for things such as earwax, dirt or bony growths. If necessary, earwax should be removed to ensure the accuracy of the test.
3. Pure tone audiometry
This test assesses the softest sounds you can hear. Wearing headphones in a soundproof booth, you will hear a variety of sounds at different volumes and will be asked to indicate which ones you perceive, enabling you to determine your hearing thresholds.
4. Speech audiometry
Speech audiometry measures your ability to detect and understand speech. You will listen to and repeat words at different volume levels, which helps to assess your comprehension in real communication situations.
5. Results and recommendations
After the tests, the audiologist will present you with an audiogram illustrating your hearing ability. Depending on the results, personalised treatment options will be recommended, including hearing aids or other interventions tailored to your needs.
How often should I have my hearing tested?
The Better Hearing Institute, a not-for-profit organisation, recommends that you have your hearing tested once every 10 years up to the age of 50, and then once every three years. Hearing tests are essential for monitoring your hearing health throughout your life and determining whether it is time to use hearing aids. Regular monitoring means that any hearing loss can be detected early and appropriate action taken.

Take our online hearing test
Start with a rudimentary online hearing test, offered by our partner Phonak. You can consult the results of your test online, by telephone or by e-mail. Depending on the results, we may invite you to take a more precise test in our soundproof room, free of charge and with no obligation to buy hearing aids. Take advantage of this opportunity to quickly assess your hearing and take the necessary steps to preserve your hearing health.